21-day Challenge Survey
At The LOOP we see health equity as a part of a larger social justice solution. It is especially important for us to recognize bias and how various policies can negatively impact people of color, in particular. We launched our 21-day challenge racial equity challenge in June 2020 in response to exploring the complexities of race and social inequities in our work with tobacco policy and have since added to our 21-day challenge series. If you have interacted with your 21-day challenge content, please take a moment to give us some feedback so we can continue to provide future content that is reflective of your needs. (insert survey link/ QR code - see below).
To refresh your memory, you can view all our 21-day challenge content here.
Please go to this link (which will be the link used online) to test the survey and see if this is what you want. Also, here is the QR code:https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/21DayChallenge_Spotlight