Policy Research Center for Tobacco and the Environment2025 Pilot Research Awards The Policy Research Center for Tobacco and the Environment is pleased to announce the call for the 2025/26 Pilot Research Grant applications.

The goal of the Pilot Research Awards is to expand and promote the research on policy priorities related to tobacco and the environment. Successful pilot studies should inform the development of larger, policy-oriented research proposals that can compete successfully for TRDRP or other research funding. Research proposals are invited from any scientific discipline, and may focus on any policy aspect of tobacco and the environment that has the potential to bring new allies (e.g., consumers, environmental groups, renters) and policy approaches to the Tobacco Endgame. Proposals should have broad public appeal, especially among youth; create a counter-narrative to discredit the tobacco industry’s “greenwashing”; and promote tobacco control policies in novel and complementary areas (e.g., housing codes, real estate, single-use plastics).

All proposals must reflect collaboration between community members and academic researchers. Projects must be completed within 12 months with budgets not to exceed $50,000.


October 1, 2024: Call Release

November 30, 2024: Applications Due (Noon, Pacific Time)

January 15, 2025: Notification of Review Outcome

March 1, 2025: Award Start Date

February 28, 2026: Award End Date

APPLICATION DETAILS CAN BE FOUND HERE: more information, please contact Lydia Greiner, (203) 767-1598