Drive-in Movie Night: A Unique Way to Leverage Tobacco Control Campaign Ads
From CTCP: The COVID-19 pandemic has affected our work in numerous ways. It’s affected how we distribute public health messages and place campaign advertising. With less people out and about, we have limited distribution channels.
However, we found this innovative solution to get educational messages to the public. In Marin City, it’s socially distanced drive-in movie nights. Over the last 12-months, Felecia Gaston of Performing Stars, a non-profit in Marin City, organized two community drive-in movie nights to continue to engage with her community in a unique setting.
For her first movie screening last Fall, Felecia knew that she would have a captive audience and she decided to use that time wisely. In the minutes prior to the movie starting, Felecia screened motivational videos focusing around the movie night theme, Black empowerment.
One of the videos featured was the CTCP anti-menthol We Are Not Profit television spot.Last month, Felicia put on another drive-in night for Black History Month and continued to feature important community messages. Among COVID-19 safety messages, CTCP’s new cessation television spot was also featured. You can watch their pre-movie announcements HERE.
CTCP is happy to share Felecia’s love for her community and this innovative way to continue to disseminate important public health messages during these difficult times. With the state starting to open back up, keep in mind CTCP ads and the unique ways YOU can share the tobacco control message.