Funding Alert!

Funding Alert:

The California Department of Public Health (CDPH), California Tobacco Control Program (CTCP) is pleased to announce that it anticipates releasing Request for Applications (RFA) 23-10040, Statewide Coordinating Center for the American Indian Initiative to Reduce Tobacco-Related Disparities on May 16, 2023. *
The purpose of this RFA is to award one (1) Statewide Priority Population Coordinating Center (PPCC), for American Indian and Alaska Native communities in California. The purpose of theStatewide PPCC is to coordinate and foster interactive and integrative collaboration and communication among California Department of Public Health, California Tobacco Control Program (CDPH/CTCP)-funded projects, as well as other state, regional, and local partners to address tobacco-related disparities. The Statewide PPCC efforts are expected to engage new and existing partners to accelerate the adoption, implementation, and impact of policy and system change initiatives facilitated by CDPH/CTCP-funded projects.Any updates and details about this funding opportunity will be posted to the TCFOR website. To receive an email notification about this funding opportunity, please sign up on theTCFOR website.We highly encourage you to share this funding opportunity with any agencies that may be interested.
*Dates are tentative. Please refer to the TCFOR website for additional information.

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