FUNDING ALERT: RFA 23-10060 “Empowering Rural Communities to End the Tobacco Epidemic"

The California Department of Public Health, California Tobacco Prevention Program (CDPH/CTPP) has released a Funding Opportunity Alert for Request for Applications (RFA) #23-10060 Empowering Rural Communities to End the Tobacco Epidemic. The purpose of this RFA is to fund up to six (6) local projects to build momentum toward ending California’s tobacco epidemic through policy, systems, and environmental change strategies and increasing community engagement in these initiatives within rural communities that have been disproportionately targeted by the tobacco industry.

Both new Applicants who meet the qualifications of this funding opportunity and current grantees funded under the CDPH/CTPP Competitive Grant (CG) 18-10122, Regional Rural Initiative to Reduce Tobacco–Related Disparities are encouraged to apply. Release Date: July 13, 2023*Application Due: September 12, 2023, by 5:00 p.m., PT*Informational Webinar: An optional virtual informational webinar will be conducted on July 19, 2023* from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., PT*

Any updates and details about this funding opportunity will be posted to the TCFOR website. To receive an email notification about this funding opportunity, please sign up on the TCFOR website. We highly encourage you to share this funding opportunity with any agencies that may be interested.

Questions may be directed to Please reference “CTPP RFA CG 23-10060” in the subject line.

*Dates are tentative. Please refer to the TCFOR website for additional information.

More Info here: