The LOOP’s 21 Day Racial Equity Challenge Panel
Thursday, July 9th, 2020
Via Go To Webinar
In today’s world, change is happening all around us – at an even faster pace than we’ve seen in a long time. Change is inevitable and, often, a good thing. But change isn’t always easy. It means breaking long-standing habits that all of us have created – that includes behaviors, mindsets, and even our environments. Here at The LOOP, we see health equity as part of the larger social justice solution. In our field, we must recognize bias and how various policies can negatively impact people of color, in particular. We must understand the creation and perpetuation of systemic racism before we can create solutions. Thus, borrowing from the concept created by the America & Moore consulting firm, we are challenging ourselves and our LOOP community to take part in a 21-Day Racial Equity Challenge so we can both take an introspective journey and learn more about the experiences of others. As our 21 day racial equity challenge winds down, we will be bringing together a community of speakers to touch on the intersection of health and race on July 9, 2020 at 10 am. Over the course of 21 days we have asked you to engage with brief activities (read, listen, watch, etc) to explore your own biases, learn about race issues, and the impact of race on the health of our black and brown communities and how to get involved. In honor of George Floyd each speaker will have exactly 8 minutes and 46 seconds to share a statement. We hope that you are able to join us and share what you have learned in this 21 day process.Speakers:
Dr. Valerie Yerger (The LOOP)
Evi Hernandez (Hispanic Latinx Coordinating Center)
Carol McGruder (AMPLIFY; AATCLC)
Lou Moerner (The LOOP; American Indian/Alaska Native Advocate & Researcher)
Queen Chela (The UWC)