Tribal Coordinating Center Has Introduced a New Policy Platform

The Tribal Community Coordinating Center (TCCC), the statewide American Indian initiative coordinating center has prepared a culturally appropriate policy platform laying out four priorities for reducing commercial tobacco use and exposure while respecting the value of traditional tobacco in tribal communities. The TCCC includes an acknowledgment of those who helped to create the policy platform, an introduction to California tribes and tribal nations, differences in traditional tobacco and commercial tobacco use, policy priorities, and resources on how to work with California tribal nations on policy, community education, youth coalitions, and media education campaigns.

The TCCC identified four (4) priorities:

  • Increase the number of smokefree homes and workplaces
  • Reduce tobacco product waste (TPW)
  • Increase tobacco cessation services
  • Adopt and implement excise taxes on tobacco

The TCCC Policy Platform and Policy Platform Executive Summary PDF files are available for download HERE.

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