White House Cancer Moonshot Initiative

In September, the President and First Lady announced additional actions on the Cancer Moonshot which aims to reduce the cancer death rate in the United States by at least half—preventing more than 4 million cancer deaths—by 2047 and improve the experience of people who are touched by cancer. LOOP director and founding member of the African American Tobacco Control Leadership Council (AATCLC) Dr. Valerie Yerger had a key hand in this update from the White House. The Moonshot press release, in part, said:"The African American Tobacco Control Leadership Council (AATCLC) is launching a coordinated effort to make Emotional Brain Training (EBT) services available for stress management and smoking cessation. In collaboration with the University of California, San Francisco Smoking Cessation Leadership Center, AATCLC will launch a coordinated effort within three months to promote the use of a free app for anyone new to EBT to gain easily scalable, rapid-acting tools to assist with smoking cessation. EBT has shown long-term effectiveness in treating stress overload, as well as mood and addictive behaviors including smoking."
Read more about the Cancer Moonshot initiative at the link below.In addition, this annoucement connects to The LOOP and our statewide community, as The LOOP is supporting the efforts of the California Priority Population Coordinating Centers' focus on the need for cessation and treatment options that are culturally and community tailored.
To learn more about Emotional Brain Training (EBT) and related resources, email us at theloop@ucsf.edu.

Read the White House Press Release: https://www.whitehouse.gov/bri...