Fresno County EOC (Rural Tobacco Education Program)

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The Fresno Economic Opportunities Commission Rural Tobacco Education Program

(Fresno EOC RTEP) is working on the following objectives: I. By June 30, 2020, at least 2 cities in rural Fresno County will adopt a policy that will require all indoor worksites in areas that are exempted by the state smoke-free workplace law (warehouses, company vehicles, truck tractors, small businesses with 5 or fewer employees, owned-operated businesses and outdoor laborers) to become 100% smoke-free. II. By June 30, 2020, at least 2 cities in rural Fresno County will adopt and implement a policy that will prohibit smoking in 100% of individual units (including balconies and patios) in multi-unit housing complexes, making them entirely smoke-free units; and/or requiring managers, affordable housing providers, and owners to disclose the location of smoking and non-smoking units, and the smoking history of a unit to prospective tenants; and will require rental vacancy listings to include a category for smoking and non-smoking units.