Health Access Foundation (Reducing LGBTQ Tobacco-Related Disparities Project)
About This Partner/Organization
Health Access Foundation serves as the lead organization for the Lesbian, Gay,
Bi-Sexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) Statewide Coordinating Center. Health
Access Foundation focuses on the facilitation, coordination, and collaborative flow of
information between LGBTQ regional projects and other CTCP-funded projects. The
Coordinating Center engages diverse LGBTQ stakeholders in an advisory committee and
disseminates information through the project website, listserv, newsletter, and various
social media outlets. It is the Coordinating Center’s priority to engage new voices in
tobacco control efforts to assist in accelerating the adoption of regional LGBTQ tobacco
control efforts by educating and engaging LGBTQ key opinion leaders, developing tailored
messaging for LGBTQ audiences, and educating LGBTQ individuals on how best to
advocate to reduce tobacco-related health disparities.