Yuba County (Yuba County Tobacco Education Program)

About This Partner/Organization

The 2017-2021 goal for the Yuba County Tobacco Education Program is to continue to

improve the health of Yuba County residents by reducing chronic illness and premature

death related to tobacco use and second-hand smoke exposure. The three primary

objectives to accomplish this goal are: 1) Reduce the rates of illegal tobacco sales to

underage persons and youth access to tobacco products by passing an ordinance that

requires business owners to obtain a license to sell any tobacco products; 2) Update

existing county and/or city tobacco laws to reflect the most current definitions of tobacco

and smoking products, as defined by the state of California; and 3) Maintain and expand

adult engagement in tobacco control, through collaboration and involvement in

intervention and evaluation activities, in order to support tobacco related policies and

system changes to address tobacco-related disparities in the community.